Network News - Enterprise Europe Network monthly newsletter

Debido al Estado de Emergencia Sanitaria declarado el pasado 14 de marzo con motivo del COVID-19, el Grupo SPRI ha actualizado el estado de situación de los programas de ayudas a la empresa vasca.

Dada la excepcionalidad de esta crisis, se procede a la convocatoria de nuevos programas y actuaciones con el objetivo de ayudar a paliar las consecuencias generadas por el COVID-19.

Se ha habilitado una dirección que recogerá todas las actuaciones destinadas a la empresa vasca e impulsadas desde el Grupo SPRI, así como el acceso a las nuevas ayudas que se promuevan y gestionen desde los diversos departamentos del Gobierno Vasco.

Ayudas COVID-19 >>

Ofertas y Demandas de Cooperación

Ref. BRIT20200325001 Italian company with an innovative appliance for waste separation and collection is looking for a manufacturing partner

A small Italian company specialised in precision mechanical engineering has developed an innovative appliance for separate waste collection. The appliance is able to differentiate and compact up to 7 types of waste; it was realised for private household use, hospitals, schools, companies and other similar types of organisations. The company is looking for an industrial partner to establish a manufacturing agreement and develop the prototype appliance designed by itself.

Ref. BRRU20200214001 Russian manufacturer of sugar concentration measuring instruments is looking for reliable suppliers of electrical circuits and other materials

A Russian company produces laser systems of a portable multi-pass polarimeter, for determining the concentration of substances and measuring sugar content. They are used in the manufacturing and chemical industries. The company is looking for new suppliers of electronic circuits and materials necessary for the manufacture of a polarimeter and to conclude a supplier agreement.

Ref. BRRU20200214004 Russian manufacturer of solenoid valves for the necessary oil technology is looking for suppliers of brass, copper, plastic and nylon

The Russian manufacturer produces electrovalves using simultaneous separate operation technology. These valves are widely used in the oil and gas industry. The company seeks to establish long-term relationships with suppliers of brass, copper, nylon, plastic under a supply agreement.

Ref. BRRU20200213005 The Russian manufacturer of lathes is looking for reliable suppliers of various materials from metal essential for the production of lathes

The Russian company produces modernized universal screw-cutting lathes. The company is looking for reliable suppliers of various high-quality products (metal bolts, nuts, screws, threads, as well as bearings) used for the manufacture of screw-cutting lathes and for the conclusion mutually beneficial supplier agreement.

Ref. BRRU20200213007 Russian manufacturer of a device for improving homeostasis of the fish organism is looking for suppliers of component equipment (electronic components, microcircuits, etc.)

The Russian company produces an innovative device for improving homeostasis (self-regulation) of electromagnetic EHF radiation (radiation of high-frequency devices). The company is looking for new reliable suppliers of special electronic equipment (semiconductor diodes, transistors, electronic sensors) for its needs and for the conclusion of a mutually beneficial supplier agreement.

Ref. BRRU20200213004 Russian manufacturer of pipe fittings is looking for suppliers of materials (steel, cast iron, plastic) for the production of products

The Russian company is creating a high-tech ball valve with a metal seal, designed to work in conditions of high thermal loads at nuclear power plants. The company is looking for reliable suppliers of various metal pipe fittings (nuts, covers, front elements, drive unit) for the manufacture of valves and for the conclusion of a supplier agreement.

Búsqueda de socios I+D europea

Searching for university or firm, which works with shipyard, manufacturer of underwater robots to participate in the horizon 2020 project (use of underwater welding robots)

Deadline: 12-04-2020 A Ukrainian Institute is looking for partners to participate in a Horizon 2020 project - Improved production and maintenance processes in shipyards, ID: MG-3-7-2020 (use of underwater welding robots). The idea of this project is the design of a robotic wet underwater welding complex for shipyards of Europe. The institute is looking for partners from the EU to jointly participate in the project as part of the international consortium, including manufacturers of underwater robots More info [+]

H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020: basque research centre is looking for partners with expertise in the manufacture of membranes with nano-pores and/or interested in the application of a device for refolding proteins prone to aggregation

Deadline: 13-04-2020 A Basque research centre is working on an interdisciplinary project combining soft-matter physics and biology. This project aims at developing a new technology employing “soft nanopores” through which to refold proteins and disaggregate protein clusters. The center seeks companies interested in the application of the technology or in further developing their own soft-pore technology under a proposal for the H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 call More info [+]

[Eureka network] a korean electronical technology institute is looking for partners to develop acoustic levitator for powder ALD (atomic layer deposition) process

Deadline: 15-04-2020 A government-funded Korean research institute is preparing for a joint proposal under Eureka network project in 2020. The main goal of the joint research is to fabricate powder (particles) by atomic layer deposition process, which will be using precursors, with high performance and thin layers. The fabricated powder (particles) will be used for automobile and wearable device applications. To this end, the institute is looking for partners specialized in developing acoustic levitator technology More info [+]

H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020: french SME offering ‘eye-based analysis' solutions for early detection of alzheimer / dementia seeks clinical partnerships for assessment / validation of a new screening device.

Deadline: 15-04-2020 A French SME has developed an innovative ‘eye-tracking' medical device to help diagnosing neurological and psychiatric diseases by bringing up robust and quantitative oculomotor neuromarkers for early disease detection and follow-up. The company, after preliminary and promising results in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), is looking for partners to submit a proposal for H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020 call to finalize and validate the tool at a larger scale. Clinical partners and a coordinator are sought. More info [+]

H2020 ICT: industrial partner, mobile network operator or 5g radio access network equipment vendor is sought to help build and experimental test-bed for next generation applications

Deadline: 24/04/2020 A system integrator SME based in North Eastern Italy with sound expertise in telecommunications is looking for an industrial partner, Mobile Network Operator or 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) equipment vendor, to cooperate in the implementation of an enhanced experimentation field hosted in the company's neutral host smart infrastructures in order to build a complete and innovative experimentation facility, in the context of a proposal to be submitted under a 5G PPP call of Horizon 2020. More info [+]


Ofertas y Demandas de Tecnología

A Dutch company is looking for smart equipment to handle heavy paper containers

Demanda TRNL20200218001
A Dutch cleaning company is looking for an ergonomic solution for the handling and moving of heavy paper containers up to 150 kg inside buildings. This technology request is part of an open innovation challenge. The Dutch large company seeks a collaboration with engineering or manufacturing partners and envisions a technical cooperation agreement or a manufacturing agreement. Leer más...

Austrian company is looking start-ups with solution to measure parameters of refractory metals in high temperature furnaces

Demanda TRAT20200310001
An Austrian manufacturer of refractory metals seeks a technical solution to measure in extreme conditions different parameters such as gas, temperature, surface conditions of molybdenum and tungsten in industrial furnaces. Solutions could range from a highly sophisticated sensor technology to image analysis. In the framework of an innovation challenge selected start-ups will co-develop and implement the technology under a technical agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. Leer más...

Austrian industrial company is looking for start-ups with solution for big data analytics of industrial assets

Demanda TRAT20200310002
An Austrian manufacturer of refractory metals seeks a technical solution to extract relevant information from big data sets. It aims to analyse the data within scientific and technical contexts in order to optimise energy efficiency, processes stability, quality control and to reduce scrap goods. In the framework of an innovation challenge, selected start-ups will co-develop and implement the technology under a technical agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance. Leer más...

UK-based research institute specialising in infectious disease offers support to partners to design and run clinical trials

Oferta TOUK20200211001
A UK-based research institute with world recognised expertise in clinical research is offering its capabilities in the design and implementation of clinical trials to companies, universities and other organisations developing innovations in healthcare including diagnostics, medical devices, vaccines and therapeutics. It is envisaged that the partnerships will take the form of research cooperation agreements, technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance. Leer más...

German University for Applied Sciences with excellence in 'real-time decision making and optimization in enterprise systems' seeks industrial and research partners for joint applications in European funding programmes

Oferta TODE20200219001
Research by the group at the German University for Applied Sciences is focussed on innovative strategies for real-time decision making and optimization in enterprise systems. Expert knowledge in 'business information systems' is offered for transnational projects, under a research agreement to collaborate in relevant funding proposals such as Horizon 2020 SU (su-ds02-2020/su-infra01-2018-2019-2020) or SC Calls 2020 (sc1-dth-12-2020). Leer más...

Innovative ultrasonic technology for particle measurement in liquids

Oferta TOAT20200204001
Located in Vienna, Austria, the company has developed an innovative ultrasonic trap that catches very small particles in liquids thereby making them detectable in-line.This proprietary technology provides valuable data directly out of the process in real-time allowing for immediate process control. It has been developed for use in industrial environments. Commercial agreements with technical assistance are sought to transfer the technology for application in industrial processes. Leer más...

Convocatorias 2020: nuevas ayudas de financiación para investigaciones e innovaciones en materiales

La convocatoria M-ERA.NET 2020 cuenta con un presupuesto de 20 millones de euros para financiar proyectos de I+D+i sobre materiales en los que participen empresas u organizaciones de dos o más países o regiones Leer más [+]

La próxima Convocatoria del programa EIC Accelerator tendrá como reto el Pacto Verde europeo

La próxima Convocatoria del programa EIC Accelerator previsto para el próximo 19 de mayo de 2020 estará reservado en exclusiva a propuestas que propongan soluciones a los retos establecidos en el European Green Deal o Pacto Verde europeo. Además, esta convocatoria prevé oportunidades adicionales para empresas que cuenten con mujeres en posición de CEO o equivalente para asegurar que al menos el 25% de los finalistas sean empresas lideradas por mujeres. Leer mas [+]

Consultas abiertas

Consulta pública: La Comisión Europea quiere consultar a las pymes europeas su opinión sobre Datos no financieros y estimar el coste que supondría responder a temas de carácter social y medioambiental

En vista de que la información no financiera que las empresas deben incluir en sus informes no corresponde con las necesidades de los usuarios a los que va dirigida, la Comisión Europea pretende revisar la Directiva sobre información no financiera. La consulta permanecerá abierta hasta el viernes 24 de abril de 2020. Leer más [+]


X Curso de Especialización en Patentes en el ámbito de la Empresa

24 abril - 19 junio 2019, Bilbao

Crear una cultura en materia de patentes en la empresa es el objetivo de la décima edición del “Curso de especialización en patentes en el ámbito de la empresa”, organizado por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la Cámara de Comercio de Bilbao, y que cuenta con la colaboración del departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras del Gobierno Vasco, el Grupo Spri, Enterprise Europe Network y la Agencia Vasca de la Innovación, Innobasque. Leer mas [+]

IndTech2020 - Industrial Technologies 2020: Transition to Sustainable Prosperity and EU Brokerage Event on KETs

26-28 octubre 2020, Mainz, Alemania

El Ministerio Federal de Educación e Investigación de Alemania y la entidad Project Management Jülich (PtJ), en colaboración con la Comisión Europea y la Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), organizan el evento "IndTech2020 - Industrial Technologies 2020: Transition to Sustainable Prosperity – and EU Brokerage Event on KETs" que tendrá lugar del 26 al 28 de octubre de 2020 en Mainz, Alemania, dentro de los actos de la Presidencia alema del Consejo de la Unión Europea Leer mas [+]

Encuentros empresariales virtuales – Virtual International partnering IFAT 2020

4-5 mayo 2020, Munich, Alemania

Debido a la actual crisis del coronavirus, la organización ha decidido aplazar la edición de IFAT 2020 a las nuevas fechas del 7 al 11 de septiembre de 2020

Sin embargo, los encuentros empresariales International Partnering IFAT 2020 se realizarán de forma virtual en las fechas previstas inicialmente, los días 4 y 5 de mayo. Los Encuentros, dirigidos a empresas y organizaciones de investigación de todo el mundo, constituyen una oportunidad única de establecer nuevos contactos para colaboraciones comerciales, tecnológicas y de I+D. Leer mas [+]

Encuentros tecnológicos sobre turbinas marinas flotantes (FOWT 2020)

(POSPUESTO) 7-9 septiembre 2020 Marsella

FOWT 2020: el evento más grande del mundo dedicado a la energía eólica marina flotante. El objetivo de FOWT es impulsar la utilización de turbinas marinas flotantes y acelerar su implantación como alternativa de energía renovable. Leer mas [+]

Encuentros empresariales en la feria industrial más importante del mundo: Hannover Messe 2020

(POSPUESTO) 12-16 abril 2021, Hannover, Alemania

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La Comision aprueba un apoyo adicional vía H2020 para fortalecer prioridades, incluyendo investigación sobre coronavirus

Los cambios de esta actualización incluyen un nuevo presupuesto de 47.5 millones de euros de financiación para la convocatoria de emergencia anunciada a principios de marzo para combatir el brote de coronavirus que llevó al lanzamiento de 17 proyectos. Leer mas [+]

Cifra record de solicitudes al programa EIC Accelerator Pilot: más de 1000 ideas para ayudar a hacer frente al coronavirus

La Comisión Europea recibió aproximadamente 4.000 solicitudes para la fecha límite del programa piloto EIC Accelerator del 20 de marzo, más del doble de la cantidad habitual. El aumento se debe en parte a la convocatoria de ideas para ayudar a abordar el brote de coronavirus. Más de 1000 startups y Pymes con innovaciones relacionadas con la prevención del impacto y la propagación del coronavirus han presentado su solicitud. Las empresas seleccionadas para recibir una parte de los 164 millones de euros asignados a esta ronda de financiación serán decididas por un jurado independiente de expertos, inversores y empresarios, tras una evaluación remota inicial y entrevistas en vivo del 4 al 8 de mayo de 2020. Las empresas seleccionadas en esta ronda de financiación se anunciará más adelante en mayo. Leer mas [+]

Legislación Europea

Antidumping llantas de acero

Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2020/353 de la Comisión de 3 de marzo de 2020 por el que se establece un derecho antidumping definitivo y se percibe definitivamente el derecho provisional establecido sobre las importaciones de llantas de acero para uso en carretera originarias de la República Popular China. Leer más [+]

Importación tubos de hierro de India

Decisión de Ejecución (UE) 2020/290 de la Comisión de 28 de febrero de 2020 por la que se da por concluida la reconsideración provisional parcial del derecho compensatorio aplicable a las importaciones de tubos de hierro de fundición maleable originarios de la India, sin modificar las medidas en vigor. Leer más [+]

Importación productos fibra de vidrio

Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2020/379 de la Comisión de 5 de marzo de 2020 por el que se establece un derecho compensatorio provisional a las importaciones de productos de fibra de vidrio de filamento continuo originarios de Egipto. Leer más [+]

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